Domain Registration

Unique domain names & secure domain registrars

Domain Registration

Make your business standing out with a special domain name that reflects your business. Anyone can buy a domain name and register his domain

Domain Transfer

Transfer your domain freely to a more reliable registrar today. Further, get a domain privacy protection for life upon transferring.

Domain Renewal

Our domain renewal service is just one click. So, you can continue with your unique domain name by renewing once the period ends.

Why choose Techno Duniya?

Techno Duniya is a pioneering domain registration company in Mumbai which provides domain registration services. Besides, it provides domain transfer to a reliable and robust domain.
Our company offers all domain registration services including transfer and renewal at cheap prices. Thus, it stands among other domain registration companies in Mumbai.
We also provide a domain management system for our clients. So, they can manage their domains and all about their website hosting from one place.
Also, we offer a free domain transfer service. Therefore, our customers can transfer their domain to a more secure and reliable registrar as Techno Duniya.

Domain Registration

Techno Duniya – Domain Registration Company in Mumbai

If you want to create a website that holds your company's name, register for a unique domain with Techno Duniya. We offer a wide range of domain registration services that include registration and domain transfer, free domain names, cheap domain names and free sub-domains.
We understand that domain names are of much importance to our clients. Thus, we provide privacy protection to all our registered domains. Therefore, no one will be able to use your domain name unless you decide to.


The domain is the identifier of any web page. Users search for a particular website using the domain name. So, it should be unique to each website.
For example,, the domain name here is technoduniya.

Top levels domains are the last part of the URL of any website. For example,, the top-level domain is .com.
There are different top-level domains where each one has a certain use.

DNS is short for Domain Name System. It matches each domain name to an IP address. Thus, humans can search for the domain name and computers can understand through numbers (IP address).

Authorization code or EPP code is a code you get once you register your domain name. So, your domain name cannot be transferred to another registrar without this code.

As many websites and web pages as you have. At Techno Duniya, we don't set limits to the number of domains any client can register.

Registring a domain name takes few seconds just as registering for a new account. Once you have an account, you can register your domain name in seconds. However, to use your domain name, you should wait for a couple of hours till it is reflected in the DNS.

Book your Own Domain and Grow your business

Techno Duniya is the Best Domain Registration & Domain Transfer services Company in Mumbai providing secure & reliable Domain Registration & Domain Transfer services at cheap & best prices among all Domain Registration companies in Mumbai.
If you are looking for a fast and cheap domain transfer or domain registration company in Mumbai, then Techno Duniya offering you the opportunity to register your new domain or transfer your existing one if you have such registered domain names with another domain registration company in Mumbai.
Techno Duniya not only register or transfer your domain names, but we will also give our customers free of charge a Domain Management System that will help you to fully manage your Internet presence without any hassle.
Techno Duniya offers a wide range of services for Domain Registration & Domain Transfer which includes free domain names search, web domain name registration, cheapest domain registration, domain registration services, website domain registration & free registration of domain name. If you are looking for the best Domain Registration & Domain Transfer Company in Mumbai then Techno Duniya is the Best Domain Registration services company in Mumbai among all major Domain Registration services companies in Mumbai.
For getting High-Quality Domain Names Registration services, please Click here to contact Techno Duniya Sales & Support Team.